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Run For Hope – LA MARATHON – Remembering Mary Katherine Walker

Ready to use your blender to create easy and delicious meals, snacks, smoothies, condiments, cocktails and treats? Grab our Ultimate Healthy Blender Recipes eBook Bundle - Now 62% OFF!

Run For Hope LA Marathon Remembering Mary Katherine Walker

♥ In Honor and Support of Bryan & Mary Walker ♥
Blender Babes is Donating $20 for EVERY VITAMIX SALE to Bryan/Mary’s fundraising page until March 9th 2014 AND…

I hope this finds you and your family doing well! Thank you for taking the time to look over this as it is something very dear to me.

On March 9th 2014 I will be running in the Los Angeles Marathon in memory of my sister Mary Katherine Walker, who passed September 28, 2008. Mary had a heart as big as the world and a love for animals, life, and others.

I have dedicated myself in training before or after my day job selling Vitamix blenders, and on my days off consistently the last 9 months. Mary has been the driving force every time I have laced up my shoes, and been with me every step of the way. My Vitamix has also played an important role in making amazing smoothies and juices for nourishment and fuel for my runs and workouts. I don’t know what I would do without my Vitamix!

To honor Mary’s life I am asking family and friends to contribute any amount to a cause very dear to her, human trafficking. I have joined the Run for Hope team in her name, an official charity of the LA Marathon. All proceeds raised will go directly to the human trafficking program at the Dream Center, which rescues, rehabilitates and restores adult female survivors.

Remembering Mary Walker

My goals are to complete the marathon in under 4 hours and with your help raise a total of $3,000 to help in these survivors putting their lives back together.

Here is a link to Mary’s fundraising Page on Dream Center where you can make any donations. 

Whether you are able or not to donate any money please take a minute to watch one or both of these short tribute videos to remember Mary’s life. Make sure your volume is on. 🙂

Mary Walker and U2’s Bono “With or Without You”

Lastly, please share this by forwarding to any family and friends.

Thank you again for your time and help. God bless!

With Love,
Bryan Walker

YOUR Inspirational Story!
How Clean Eating Can Change Your Life Free Training
Blender Babes
Tarashaun Hausner
Tarashaun Hausner is the Founder and CEO of Blender Babes, an innovative multimedia company striving to help people lead healthier, more fulfilling lives. A former roadshow representative for a leading blender company, Tarashaun founded Blender Babes in 2012 after discovering how instrumental a high-powered blender was in getting her personal health back on track. Physically and emotionally transformed from her journey back to health, Tarashaun vowed to help others find wellness. She is committed to thoroughly test and review the best blenders and healthy lifestyle products on the market to help her community make the best choices for themselves and family. Tarashaun offers several free resources to help people use their blender to get healthy including a 7 Day Superfood Smoothie Challenge. Blender Babes has also negotiated special deals and offers for products they love most.

55 thoughts on “Run For Hope – LA MARATHON – Remembering Mary Katherine Walker”

  1. I would love to make green smoothies so I can get enough nutrients from greens and veggies to improve my health.

  2. I have wanted a high speed blender for so long. It would enable me to take my families diet to the next level. Thanks for the great give-away.

  3. I would love to be able to make healthy food for my family. I am committed to living a healthy life and love learning new ways to make my family healthy and happy. I know a Vitamix would make it so fun & easy for me & my family to make healthy recipes to keep us on the path of healthy, happy living!

  4. I would love to be able to make healthy food for my family. I am committed to living a healthy life and love learning new ways to make my family healthy and happy. I know a Vitamix would make it so fun & easy for me & my family to make healthy recipes to keep us on the path of healthy, happy living!

  5. Linda Meranda

    Since hubby & I have now turned 60, we have been trying to eat better, using live food as much as possible. I deal with RA, auto-immune and complications, so juicing and smoothies are the best way, plus the Vitamix is great to making natural snacks, soups, etc. Also, thank you for choosing the Dream Center to support. Tommy Barnett and his son Matthew are awesome men of God with so many outreach programs in a hurting world. Blessings

  6. After reading all the comments here from people wanting to win a Vitamix I will not enter the contest. I already own a Blendtec so I will leave the contest to those with more need for it. I am diabetic and this past summer I switched from a normal North American diet to an almost completely plant based diet. I make green smoothies and carry them with me in the truck as I go about my work. For now I have eliminated fast food, fruit, sugar, I use a bit of maple syrup, being the all Canadian boy that I am. I eat a bit of fish, a bit of dairy and a bit of chicken. No more bleached whit bread. No donuts, no potato chips or french fries. I did not purchase my Blendtec from Blender Babes because at the time there was a glitch on their website that would not allow me to order from Canada, but I’m sure my Blendtec works the same.

    1. Thanks Amsey! We are so happy you found a healthier way of eating – and am sure it has been AMAZING for your diabetes! It’s stories like yours that are an INSPIRATION to us and our readers. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SHARING!! Happy Blending! xoxo ~The Babes

  7. Winning a Vitamix Blender would be a game changer in helping become healthy again for myself and family. Eating all those fruit and veggies I don’t like but know they are so good for my body to become healthy. Plus the tons of other things I can make the healthy way.

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