Are you Ready to
transform Your Physical Health 

While Also Rewiring Your Relationship with Food, body and Self?

Are you a woman over 35 battling with weight loss and 
all the things you used to do are no longer working?

Don't worry – you're not alone,
and I'm here to help you lose the weight and love the body you're in.

The Slim Down Solution™ is a small group coaching journey for heart-centered busy women over 35 who are overwhelmed with stress and seeking to transform their relationship with food, balance their mind, body and spirit, and progress towards their ideal weight... all while savoring the foods they cherish!

Program Dates:

Next Group Starts soon. 
Join the waitlist to be notified.

Experience the Power of Transformation At Your Own Pace

  • Compassionate Coaching: This program offers a supportive and understanding environment where you will learn about and get personalized coaching on topics such as nutrition, meal planning, body movement, supplements, gut health, sleep, anxiety, emotional eating, managing stress and - uber important - self-care. It's time to say goodbye to confusion and overwhelm – together, we'll guide you toward a brighter, healthier future.
  • Tailored to Your Journey: Designed specifically for women over 35, this program provides personalized advice and strategies to address the unique challenges and changes you are experiencing at this season of your journey. With dedicated support, you'll feel empowered to make lasting changes for a happier, healthier you.
  • Risk-Free Confidence: I believe so strongly in the transformative power of this program that if you don't reach your weight loss goal within the first 6 months, you'll receive an additional 3 months, absolutely free. Your success is my priority, and I'm committed to helping you achieve your goals every step of the way.

Addressing Your Challenges with Care

Difficulty Losing Weight

As women age, weight loss can become increasingly challenging. I understand your frustration and am here to provide you with the guidance and support you need to succeed.

Confusion about Nutrition

With so much conflicting information out there, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. This program provides clear, evidence-based guidance on nutrition, making healthy eating simple and enjoyable.

Stress and Overwhelm

High levels of stress can take a toll on your health and well-being. Let me show you how to manage stress and develop healthier coping mechanisms, so you can feel calm, centered, and in control.

Time Constraints

I know how busy life can get, but creating space is essential for your well-being. This program will help you carve out time for yourself, making self-care a manageable and enjoyable part of your routine.

Emotional Eating

Emotional or "stress" eating is a common struggle, but you don't have to face it alone. As a former emotional eater, I'll help you understand the root causes of emotional eating and provide practical strategies and somatic tools for overcoming it.

Lack of Self-Care

Many heart-centered women prioritize others over themselves, but as they say: self-care is NOT selfish. It is essential for your well-being. The foundation of this program is self-care. You will learn what your style of self-care is and how to prioritize it in a way that feels good for everyone.

Body Image Concerns

Negative body image can take a toll on your self-esteem and confidence. I'm here to help you love and appreciate your body at every stage of life, so you can feel confident and beautiful inside and out.

Lack of Support

Making lifestyle changes can be challenging without support. That's why I provide a supportive community of like-minded women who are on the same journey as you in addition to 1:1 coaching. Together, we'll cheer each other on and celebrate our successes.

Health Concerns

Age-related health concerns can be worrying, but knowledge is power. This program provides valuable information and strategies for improving your health and well-being, so you can feel confident and in control of your health no matter what season of life you're in.

Hormonal Balance

As women age, changes in metabolism and hormones can affect weight and health. This program offers solutions tailored to these changes, helping you optimize your health and feel your best.

Top 3 Benefits of
The Slim Down Solution™

The Slim Down Solution™ is a holistic mind, body and spirit coaching program that uses subconscious re-wiring, customized nutrition and body movement and holistic methods to teach you how to release unwanted weight naturally and long-term.

Comprehensive Guidance

This program takes a holistic approach to weight loss and wellness, addressing all aspects of your life to ensure lasting success. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity and confidence

Risk-Free Confidence Guarantee

I'm so confident in the effectiveness of this program that if you don't reach your weight loss goal within the first 6 months, you'll receive an additional 3 months absolutely free. Your success is my success, and I'm committed to helping you achieve your goals.

Personalized Support

Designed specifically for women over 35, the Slim Down Solution program offers personalized advice and support tailored to your unique needs and challenges. You'll feel supported, empowered, and ready to take on the world.

Join Us on the Journey to a Healthier, Happier You!

what people are saying about

The Slim Down Solution™

Susanna P - The Blender Cleanse

I can see progress in my weight loss and body image but more importantly it has given me the tools to make lasting changes in my whole attitude towards food.

Susanna P. - 40s

Lisa H - The Blender Cleanse

I lost 18 pounds in 6 weeks. I used to eat too much and now I don’t. I think I’ve gotten on top of the emotional eating issue I had. Tarashaun's coaching really worked for me.

Lisa H. - 40s Mom of 3

what’s in The Slim Down Solution™

(2) Two Private 1:1 Calls

You will have (2) two 90 minute 1:1 calls with Tarashaun at the beginning and end of the program. The first intake call will onboard you, get you set up for the program and personalize it for your specific needs. The final success call will review where you are at and give you a plan moving forward.

1 x Weekly Group Coaching Calls

You will have one group coaching call each week where we will share progress, review lessons, ask questions and provide support. 

1 X Weekly Q&A Office Hours

Weekly office hours for Q&As and additional support.

1 x Monthly Masterclass

Each month will include a masterclass with Tarashaun and Guest Experts on key topics that will fast track your progress and transform your life.

Customized Nutrition, Meal Plans, Body Movement and Supplements

This is not a cookie cutter program. Every body is different and as we age our bodies need different things. You will receive customized nutrition and weekly meal plans (for you and your family), body movement plans and suggested supplements to help you reach your goals.

Online Portal - Lifetime Access

Immediate access to the Slim Down Solution™ online program. The Training Modules in this program each include in depth lessons and resources covering self-care & wellness, nutrition, meal planning, body movement, emotional eating, gut health, supplements, somatics, and success long term.

Includes bonuses and any updates/additions to the program.  You will also receive my signature 7-Day Blender Cleanse & Clean Eating online programs and all updates to all programs for life.

Slim Down Solution™ Workbook

The Slim Down Solution™ workbook will guide you through the lessons, track your progress and help you manifest the body and life that you desire.

Somatics - Therapy & Exercises

Somatic therapy is a modality using somatic based subconscious rewiring techniques for calming your nervous system and for becoming your most powerful self. You will learn about somatics and exercises you can use on yourself.  Also available are optional 1:1 Somatic Therapy sessions.

Private Facebook Group & Text chat

Access to a private accountability Facebook group and Text chat to share, ask questions and get support quickly from Tarashaun and the group.


This group coaching program is goal orientated, tailored to guide you on your journey to achieving your wellness goals using nutrition, body movement, improved mindset and personal growth strategies, ensuring you have all the tools you need to succeed.

It all starts with tangible goals. Lose 20 pounds? More energy and vitality? Changing your habits and sticking to them. Whatever your goal is, we lock it in with an action plan that sets you up to move the needle.


The coaching program starts with an INITIAL 90-MINUTE INTAKE & STRATEGY SESSION and ends with a FINAL 90-MINUTE SUCCESS CALL with me.

This is where I deep dive into your health history, current lifestyle and desires to help you get clear on:

  • Your health goals for the next 3 months and 3 years
  • Easy changes you can start immediately
  • Your customized nutrition plan (and your family, if needed)
  • Your customized body movement plan
  • Your action plan throughout the program and then continued success

Value: $1,050


These calls are limited to small groups so each person has the opportunity to be coached.

This is where you get to come and ask me any questions, share your weekly vision, wins and challenges and I’ll coach you through the tweaks you might want to make. 

We will also review weekly lessons from the program that will benefit your health.

Value: $2,100


This is where you get to come and ask me any questions and get additional support. 

These are often like private 1:1 coaching sessions.

Value: $2,100


We’ll then have ONE MONTHLY MASTERCLASS that will focus on key areas like stress management, hormone balance and more. 

We're also going to bring in GUEST EXPERTS who will share their knowledge with you around what they're doing to help women improve their overall health and live more vibrant lives.

Value: $1,050


I will be teaching all Slim Down Solution group coaching clients the fundamentals of Somatic Therapeutics and how this subtle healing modality can help to regulate the nervous system, calm overwhelm and anxiety, let go of depression and much more.

However, I am offering an optional 3 MONTHLY SOMATIC THERAPY SESSIONS with me at a reduced rate.

Somatic Therapy has been instrumental in helping me finally begin to heal wounds from childhood that caused lifelong anxiety, depression and a highly dysregulated nervous system.

When it comes to deeper emotional needs that are affecting your relationship with yourself, others, food, etc. somatic tools are a key component to truly making lasting changes that will affect your overall wellness.

Get my help as a facilitator and instructor and learn how to use somatic therapy on yourself, re-wire your nervous system & watch your life change! 

Value: $1,050


Join our private FACEBOOK GROUP and TEXT CHAT to get quick support in between calls, learn from what tools and strategies each of you are implementing, and get peer support.

Value: $500


The Blender Cleanse

Revitalize your health and kickstart your wellness journey with the Blender Babes' Signature Blender Cleanse Program! Designed to help you detoxify your body, boost your energy, and support your weight loss goals, this cleanse is a gentle yet powerful way to reset your system and feel your best.

Effective Detox: Gently cleanse your body of accumulated toxins with real food and delicious and detoxifying whole food juices.

Boosted Energy: Feel more vibrant and energized as you nourish your body with wholesome, blended goodness.

Simple and Convenient: Enjoy easy-to-follow meal plan and recipes that fit seamlessly into your busy lifestyle.

Weight Loss Kickstart: Improve digestion and lose bloat and inches like hundreds of clients who have done this program. 

Personalized Guidance: Receive expert tips and support from Tarashaun to help you stay on track and achieve your goals.

Holistic Approach: Experience a cleanse that not only focuses on nutrition but also promotes overall well-being.

Community Support: Join a supportive community of like-minded individuals on the same health journey, sharing tips and encouragement.

Long-Lasting Benefits: Learn habits and recipes that you can continue to use even after the cleanse to maintain your health.

Value: $297

Clean Eating Program

Transform your health and embrace a vibrant lifestyle with the Blender Babes' 21-Day Clean Eating Program! This comprehensive program is designed to help you adopt clean eating habits, improve your overall wellness, and enjoy delicious, nutrient-rich meals without feeling deprived.

Nutrient-Dense Recipes: Enjoy a variety of mouthwatering recipes that are easy to prepare and packed with essential nutrients.

Sustainable Weight Loss: Achieve lasting weight loss by eating real, whole foods that nourish your body and satisfy your hunger.

Improved Energy Levels: Feel more energetic and vibrant as you fuel your body with clean, wholesome ingredients.

Better Digestion: Support your digestive health with foods that are gentle on your system and promote gut health.

Glowing Skin: Enhance your natural beauty from the inside out with foods that support healthy, radiant skin.

Comprehensive Meal Plans: Receive detailed meal plans and shopping lists to make clean eating effortless and convenient.

Supportive Community: Join a community of like-minded individuals who are on the same journey, offering support and encouragement.

Expert Guidance: Benefit from Tarashaun’s expertise and tips to help you stay on track and make the most of your clean eating journey.

Positive Mindset: Develop a healthy relationship with food and cultivate a positive mindset that supports your overall well-being.

Value: $127


This is a monthly coaching program to help you reach your health goals at your own pace.

Group Coaching


$297 P/Month
(cancel anytime)

  • 2 x 1:1 90 Minute Sessions 
  • 1 x Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Tarashaun (small # people per pod)
  • 1 x Weekly Group Office Hours with me 
  • 1 x Monthly Masterclass on High Level Health Strategies
  • Access to our Private Facebook Group & Text ChatThe
  • The Slim Down Solution Training Program (lifetime access)
  • The Blender Cleanse Program (lifetime access)
  • Clean Eating Program (lifetime access)

Group Coaching + 1:1 Somatic Therapy & Coaching Sessions


$497 P/Month

(cancel anytime)

  • 2 x 1:1 90 Minute Session
  • 1 x Weekly Group Coaching Calls with Tarashaun (small # people per pod)
  • 1 x Weekly Group Office Hours with me 
  • 1 x Monthly Masterclass on High Level Health Strategies
  • Access to our Private Facebook Group & Text Chat
  • The Slim Down Solution Training Program (lifetime access)
  • The Blender Cleanse Program (lifetime access) 
  • Clean Eating Program (lifetime access)
  • 2 x Monthly 1:1 60-90 Minute Private Somatic Therapy & Coaching Sessions 

Meet Tarashaun Hausner

Tarashaun is the founder of Blender Babes, health coach and Somatic Therapeutics practitioner. She has a long held passion to help people live a Healthier Lifestyle in our chaotic and stress-heavy world. She is a former emotional eater stemming from complex trauma, which developed into a decade long eating disorder, IBS, anxiety, depression and low self-esteem. It took many years, therapies and modalities to heal herself – and she is very grateful to share what she has learned and help people around the world experience healing and live their best lives.

You can follow me on: 

Transform Your Wellness Journey into a Vibrant, Confident Lifestyle!

Program Details

  • Length: Monthly As Needed
  • Program Dates: Next Group Starts soon. Join the waitlist to be notified.
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