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Tarashaun Hausner

As a former roadshow representative for a leading blender company, Tarashaun has proven herself to be an excellent resource on blenders, smoothies and wellness. As the visionary behind, Tarashaun's reputation as an authority on blenders and blending has enabled her to turn her blog into a formidable business on health. Though blenders have become her specialty, Tarashaun is knowledgeable about all kitchen gadgetry especially those promoting healthy living. She is is available to discuss a variety of topics with the media.

Want to Interview or Write About Tarashaun or the Blender Babes?

Interview Tarashaun for your podcast, blog, newsletter, radio show, or online course. She is also available as a speaker/coach for your event or conference. Her topics could include:


  • Green smoothies 101 + how to make sure they're DELICIOUS
  • Snack vs meal replacement smoothies
  • The best budget friendly superfoods for smoothies
  • How and why rotating your greens Is necessary
  • The #1 supplement everyone should have in their medicine cabinet
  • Essential oils you can use in smoothies
  • How to heal IBS naturally 


  • What are the top blenders on the market
  • What to look for in buying a blender
  • How high-powered blenders are an asset to weight loss
  • Blendtec vs Vitamix – Which of these blending powerhouses is the best on the market
  • How to juice with a high-powered blender
  • How high-powered blenders can be used for more than just smoothies


  • From disordered eating to blender babe
  • How to heal from emotional / binge eating and yo yo dieting
  • Body shaming from a thin perspective
  • How body shaming changed the focus of my business


  • How to turn a passion into a business
  • How to make it online as a female solopreneur
  • Ways to turn a blog into a business
  • How to best add affiliate marketing to an online business

Looking for something in particular? Let's chat about it! You can contact me here.

A Few Online Places You'll Find Tarashaun

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