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E3Live Benefits – Why You Should Buy This Blue Green Algae SUPERfood

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E3Live Benefits by @BlenderBabes


Almost everyone has heard about blue green algae, as it has been sold in America for over half a century. However in the US there still seems to be little awareness of E3Live blue green algae and it’s health benefits.

Here, Blender Babes reviews the many health benefits of this particular blue green algae – the ONLY company from whom you can buy algae in its fresh frozen form – this amazing superfoodย prevents, fights, and heals everything from colds to cancers.

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What Is Blue Green Algae

Blue green algae (Aphanizomanon flos-aquae, or AFA) is the very first protein and most ancient food on our planet!

At the bottom of the food chain, blue green algae is literally the MOST NUTRIENT-RICH FOOD (ounce for ounce) ever created by nature.

Only 1,500 of the 30,000 species of algae are blue-green, which is the oldest form of algae, having been the very first organism on Earth to use the energy of the sun to make food for itself (photosynthesize).

This simple organism is complete nutrition in its most basic form – the “building blocks of health”.

Blue green algae, especially from Klamath Lake (one of the few remaining unpolluted alkaline lakes on earth!), is a nutrient dense WHOLE FOOD source that contains protein (64% protein compared to just 22% protein found in animal protein like steak!), over 65 vitamins and minerals, essential fatty acids, and a huge dose of chlorophyll (3-5 times MORE than wheatgrass!)- all the nutrients your body needs – in a form that’s more readily bioavailable to us (we absorb 97%) than vitamin supplements (5%-25% absorbable) made in a laboratory.

Note: The body doesn’t understand how to properly absorb vitamin supplements, since most are lab fabricated with artificial nutrients. As a result, most supplements really are a waste of money as well as dangerous since a number of these isolated nutrients are absorbed in such a way that can result in toxicity.

Buy E3Live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabesThe World Bank and The United Nations declared algae to be THE solution to the world’s food shortage. NASA has fed algae to their astronauts for over fifty years and says “one gram of algae has the nutritional equivalent of 1,000 grams of fruits and vegetables.”

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Note that NASA does not compare algae to “supplements”, but indeed to other food sources.

The reason being algae IS food, a primary food. Not surprisingly NASA uses E3live blue green algae!

We also want to clarify that algae is NOT a supplement (despite it also coming in capsule and powder forms) although we and many others call it that – it is considered a whole and complete FOOD.

Humans have consumed algae for thousands of years.

However, despite its well documented use in ancient cultures very few Americans know what it is and are aware of its many potential health benefits.

From professional athletesย such as Olympic Gold Medalist swimmer Ryk Neething and MMA Fighter Eric Triliegi, to well informed health experts like Dr. Gabriel Cousens, MD and regular individuals like my mother, Shauana Hausner – these people have taken and provided their clients with E3live fresh frozen blue green algae to enhance both their physical and mental performance by nourishing their bodies at a cellular level.

We hope after YOU learn more about E3live blue green algae from the Klamath lakes of Oregon – you too will share and help spread this knowledge with your friends and families.

The Main E3Live Health Benefits We Will Discuss:

  • buy E3live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabesHigh Concentration of Protein, Vitamins & Trace Minerals, Antioxidants & EFA’s (literally EVERYTHING your body needs)
  • Boosts and Regulates your Immune System
  • Fights Inflammation
  • Delivers Steady Energy & Improves Recovery Time
  • Aids in Depression
  • Assists with Weight Loss

Tamera Campbell, CEO of E3Live, has long reported acts of โ€œhealingโ€ from customers who use her blue green algae (AFA) product E3Live.

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However, wanting more than testimonials, she needed solid research to determine the active components in the Klamath algae that were causing such extraordinary results.

Thanks to the team of researchers who worked on this, we can better understand why AFA works, what precisely it does within the body, along with what makes Campbellโ€™s E3Live Fresh frozen/liquid product superior to all other forms of AFA.

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E3 Live Blue Green Algaeย Contains the Highest Concentration of Protein, Vitamins, Trace Minerals, and Essential Fatty Acids

Buy E3Live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabesThis whole and complete food is beyond a “superfood”. It nourishes the body completely from your brain to your organs, and replenishes your system with omega 3’s and omega 6’s, macro and micro nutrients.

This form of blue green algae that grows on Klamath lake has a full spectrum of nutrients that your body can digest from infant form to adult.

In fact, my mother tookย E3 liveย when she was pregnant with me! She always called me an “algae baby”. ๐Ÿ™‚

Yes, it is safe for infants. They do recommend if you are pregnant to speak with your doctor prior to taking, of course.

I am including the nutritional profile ofย E3Live.

Note that these nutrients vary from harvest to harvest, so there is no guarantee on the EXACT amount you would get in any one bottle.

Mother nature takes great care of this amazing gift. This product works to help nourish and cleanse the body – bringing and keeping it in balance.

E3Live Contains:

Balanced Omega 3 & 6 Essential Fatty Acidsย 
11 Vitamins:ย Biotin, Folic Acid, Vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, D, and E
All essential amino acids (protein):ย Histidine, Isoleucine, Leucine, Lysine, Methionine, Phenylalanine, Threonine, Tryptophan, Tyrosin and Valine
8ย Non-essential amino acids:ย Alanine, Arginine, Aspartic Acid, Cystine, Glutamic Acid, Glycine, Proline and Serine
And an ABUNDANCE of trace minerals (65):

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Our bodies desperately need these trace minerals to function properly, from sleeping to weight loss.

E3 live contains the top supplements that vegans need (and are often deficient in) including zinc, calcium, iron, Vitamix B12 and Vitamin A.

There is no doubt, this is the “food” of the future, the same way it is the food of the past.

E3Live Blue Green Algae Boosts and Balances your Immune System

boost immunity Buy E3Live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabesAs stated by the largest and most extensive study, blue green algae AFA has been proven to increase immune cell migration – the process which gets them where they are needed.

One particular double blind human study revealed that within two hours of eating blue green algae AFA, 40% of the circulating natural killer (NK) cells were triggered to move from the blood to the tissues.

NK cells are especially known for finding virally infected cells, including cancer cells, and killing them. NO OTHER NATURAL SUBSTANCE is known to trigger such a movement of NK cells in the body.

Further research MAY prove that eating a small amount of blue green algae AFA every day could assist in the prevention of cancer and viral infections.

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One of the unique benefits to note is that consumption of AFA increases the migration of the NK cells from blood to tissues to kill infected cells, however it does not directly STIMULATE the immune system and therefore cause inflammation or enhance oxidation in the body.

Studies show that AFA leads to rapid changes in immune cell trafficking, but it doesn’t directly activate lymphocytes, thus AFA increases immune surveillance and balances without direct stimulation.

E3Live Blue Green Algae Fights Inflammation

AFAโ€™s ability to balance the immune system and keep it from being over-stimulated and cause more damage than good essentially makes it effective as an anti-inflammatory too.

One of the primary problems with prescription anti-inflammatories like NSAIDs and COX-2 inhibitors is since they trigger an intensive immune response, this can lead to cell and tissue damage.

fight inflamation Buy E3Live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabesE3Live Blue Green Algae AFA gets its intense blue pigment from a compound called phycocyanin.

AFA contains a significant amount of phycocyanin, which is a NATURAL COX-2 inhibiting compound, which does not reach greater than 60 percent inhibition of COX-2, which happens to be enough to offer pain-relieving anti-inflammatory benefits.

However, because of its immune-regulating action, it relieves pain but without the possibly damaging and problematic side effects of prescription anti-inflammatories.

AFA also contains substantial amounts of a plant based omega-3 fatty acid alpha linolenic acid (ALA).

Omega-3 fatty acids have demonstrated to inhibit the development of inflammatory prostaglandins.

Thus, AFA boosts and regulates the immune system AND fights inflammation. These two actions alone are reason enough to use it to help relieve and/or prevent a variety of conditions, from colds to arthritis to cancer.

In addition, studies have found that blue green algae AFA contains two active compounds that could initiate the release of unique cells located in the bone marrow that exist for one purpose – to replace damaged cells.

These cells go to damaged cells and actually become the type of cell they replace in order to repair the damaged cells and regenerate the organ, everything from your skin to your heart.

These two compounds are the focus of current research regarding the treatment of degenerative diseases such as Alzheimerโ€™s and Parkinsonโ€™s diseases.

AFA is the first natural compound known to stimulate the natural innate phenomenon of healing, regeneration and repair in the human body. WOW!!

E3Live Blue Green Algae AFA Delivers Steady Energy & Improves Recovery Time

Blue green algae AFA is an all natural way to boosts physical and mental energy without caffeine, chemicals, or sugar. You will kick those energy drinks to the curb (thank goodness!) once you start taking E3Live.

You will notice your endurance levels increase substantially right away – the stamina you perhaps once had will be back, your mental focus will improve, and you will feel energized even at the end of your workouts, with recovery time happening much faster.

Don’t take my word for it though, just take a look at the many testimonials from professional athletes in every field.

buy E3live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabes

E3Live is a very rich source of B vitamins, which are critical for assisting in the conversion of glucose to actual fuel. This is most effective when B vitamins are consumed with protein, and blue green algae has the highest protein concentration of any food in the world!ย E3 Live delivers the protein needed for muscle growth and repair – in addition to all the B vitamins, iron, and more – all which are necessary for peak performance. I believe this product is the most nutritional and natural way to boost your mental and physical energy than ANYTHING else.

E3Live Blue Green Algae Assists with Weight Loss

My mother, a shamanic healer and reikki master, has been putting her clients on E3live to help with them with a myriad of issues for the last 30 years. One common benefit that every single one of them experienced over the years, was weight loss.

Although not the primary intention for taking it, when they started shedding pounds no one complained about this welcome side effect!

E3live has been shown to balance gut flora and suppress the appetite as well, because of its high level of nutrients, which are assimilated at a very high level due to the enzymes, which also break down other food being consumed.

Due to the the complete nutrition the body is receiving, you are less likely to snack and tend to eat less at meal time. Combined with increased energy – weight loss happens naturally.

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Testimonials are powerful of course, but scientific testing is even more so.

In a double-blind crossover study patients taking 2.8 grams of blue-green algae three times daily over a four-week period experienced a statistically significant reduction of body weight.

**E3live is similar to chlorella algae in that it is able to absorb toxins (such as mercury) and assist in removing them from your body.

It’s important to note that your body may experience a detox response when you first start taking E3Live.

Detox effects can include slight diarrhea, headache, and even (ugh!) pimples as your body pushes out the accumulated toxins.

Make sure to drink plenty of filtered water each day to help support the body’s detox systems and elimination pathways.

E3Live Blue Green Algae Can Alleviate Depression

“I’ve had people who’ve been depressed for years and years, and literally, within a few days after receiving AFA their depression lifts.

A wonderful and unique blend for peak performance of body, mind, and spirit that should be included in any detoxification and rejuvenation program. I take it myself daily.” ~ Dr. Gabriel Cousens – Health expert with a specialization in Psychiatry and Director of Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center.

heal depression naturally Buy E3Live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabes80% of Americans are deficient in Omega 3 fatty acids, which is linked to depression and anxiety – and E3Live is a rich and balanced plant based source of Omega 3’s and 6’s.

Many health professionals and MDs consider E3Live benefits of enhancing mental clarity and balancing mood. This also relates to the Phycocyanin in E3Live which gives it its blue pigment.

AFA also contains a molecule called phenylethylamine (PEA).

PEA is a compound naturally produced by the brain that is responsible for pleasure and mental awareness.

Rush University and the Center for Creative Development performed a study that showed that taking 10 mg. of PEA per day produced sustained relief of depression in 60 percent of the participants, including some who hadnโ€™t responded to other treatments.

In chocolate, PEA is known as the โ€œlove moleculeโ€ because it increases mental energy, concentration, attention, elevates mood, and alleviates depression.

However the PEA in E3live is more bioavailable than chocolate, and although one definitely tastes better than the other, we’ll stick with the whole food which helps us lose weight AND balances our mood! ๐Ÿ™‚



David Wolfe buy E3live blue green algae klamath lake by @BlenderBabesE3Live benefits are lengthly. Plus it’s the ONLY AFA that is delivered live, liquid and closest to its natural high-energy state than any other blue green algae on the market. It is delivered to your door frozen at a minimum of 6 – (16oz) bottlesย ย and pricesย included shipping & handling.

Note: One 16oz bottle usually lasts me one month taking 1 tablespoon per day, so 6 bottles lasts me 6 months breaking the cost down to around $0.75/day.

That’s so much less than the $4/day I was spending buying separate products for each vitamin/supplement that my body wasn’t fully absorbing well anyway.


This liquid form is the best and ideal way to consume AFA, however if not convenient for your lifestyle, E3Live does offer E3AFA, which uses a Hydro-Dri drying method to retain as much of AFA’s original nutritional and energetic properties as possible and may be more convenient for you, at work, or while traveling.

It’s the single best whole food “supplement” you can take to improve your focus, energy, vitality and health.

Learn How to Thaw Your Way to BETTER ย HEALTH! ๐Ÿ™‚

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E3-Live by @BlenderBabes


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Sources: E3Liveย andย Personal Experience

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Tarashaun Hausner
Tarashaun Hausner
Tarashaun Hausner is the Founder and CEO of Blender Babes. A former roadshow representative for a leading blender company, Tarashaun started Blender Babes in 2012 after discovering how instrumental a high-powered blender was in getting her personal health back on track. Physically and emotionally transformed from her journey back to health, Tarashaun vowed to help others find wellness. She is committed to thoroughly test and review the best blenders and healthy lifestyle products on the market to help her community make the best choices for themselves and family. Tarashaun offers several free resources to help people use their blender to get healthy including a 7 Day Superfood Smoothie Challenge. Blender Babes has also negotiated special deals and offers for products they love most.

53 thoughts on “E3Live Benefits – Why You Should Buy This Blue Green Algae SUPERfood”

  1. Miss Tarashaun,
    I love reading all of your articles.
    In this article you talk about the supplement. E3 Live
    Which one in particular Do you use off their website? I know your article said you prefer the frozen one.

    E3 LIVE or Brain on ?

    1. Thanks Troy! I have used both and always end up with with E3Live regular in 8oz bottles so it fits my freezer better. I order the fresh frozen from their website. I hope that helps!

  2. Thanks so much for all this useful information. Just wanted to check whether E3Live helps for young children with ADHD? Thank you so much.

    1. Hi Kelly! This is a great question. I think it’s best to reach out to E3Live directly to discuss with them as I have little experience with ADHD. E3Live contact number is 888-800-7070

      1. There is an Australian Distributor who’s son had ADHD and it helped with this.
        (About Us
        My personal journey with E3Live started in 1997 when my youngest son, Benjamin, was diagnosed, in Australia, with ADHD. I remember distinctly, the painful truth of the diagnosis and the uncertainty that brings. The reality hit me when Benjamin was prescribed a drug called Ritalin (street name “Speed”). The professional prognosis for him (at age 6) was “without medication the opportunity for him to have a “normal” life would not be a possibility!”. Unwilling to give the youngest of my 3 sons a toxic pharmaceutical, my journey to find an alternative or natural options began, much to the astonishment of our doctor.

        Through a network of friends, I found E3Live in Klamath Lake, OR USA. A beautifully pristine area in the north-west of the United States. I flew to Klamath Lake and stayed with Michael Saiber & Tamera Campbell, the owners of E3Live, for about one week. After spending time learning and understanding E3Live’s culture, process and products, I decided to bring E3Live to Australia.

        Upon my return to Australia, I commenced providing Benjamin E3Live (fresh-frozen AFA). Astonishingly within 2 weeks, the calls from school to pick him up because of his uncontrollable behaviour stopped!!! To cut a very long and personal journey short he is now an integral part of running our E3Live business. Benjamin is the most polite and gentle young man you could ever meet. I am very proud of him.)

        1. Wow Anne thank you so very much for sharing your story and how you use E3live for an ADHD natural treatment. I have been asked this question before but since I am not a doctor and not experienced with ADHD I always directed people to E3live. I’m happy to hear how this worked for your son and your family and I hope others can have a similar experience! Warmly ~ Tarashaun

      2. What I’m about to say may not be true. I’ve been under the impression that E3 live powder uses refractance window drying which allows for oxidation to occur.?

  3. Thanks for E3 info. Do you have an opinion on how it compares to ” Pure Hawaiian Spirulinina” from Nutrex Hawaii?

    1. Aloha Tim! Yes I’ve tried Nutrex and it’s very good for spirulina. E3live is more potent than spirulina as it’s an older blue green algae. You can learn more in my E3live vs spirulina review. You will get benefits from both as they are nutrient dense, however I prefer the fresh frozen E3live vs any powdered spirulina supplement.

  4. Thanks for this great article! Can you r ell me if there is a benefit to taking fresh/frozen vs capsules. From other articles, it seems like the capsules just offer convenience…thougts?

    1. Welcome Libbie! The capsules are definitely convenient, however nothing is more potent than the fresh frozen blue green algae and E3live is the only one that does it in the world. Like all supplements, you lose potency as it’s dried. I love the capsules for traveling and for those that don’t have the space in their freezer for the fresh frozen. Any form is better than not taking it at all. ๐Ÿ™‚

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